The beginning of everything is always fun & exciting. Be it a new project, new work or even new relationships. We look forward to a new day with lots of expectations. We make tons of plans & in the beginning we try to stick to our plans with utmost perfection. This phase is never meant to last forever and the problems begin when we think it will & we make way for such expectations to creep into our brains.

Then a day comes when this beginning is no longer a beginning. We are right in the middle of it. The monotony sets in and slowly encroaches into the fun land we claimed to be our own. There is a lot of turbulence at this stage and this is when one’s true character is tested. Can we steady our own ship? Can we get out of this storm alive? There comes times when you have to make the most difficult decisions of your life. And believe me, you may have a hundred friends but this decision will be your own. Nobody in this world can give you the right advice but you. Listen to your heart, listen to your brain. Yes, they both are at war most of the times. But this war is your own to tackle. Sometimes the heart wins, sometimes the brain does. People always say listen to your heart & things will go right. I don’t always agree to this. Sometimes your brain brings you back from the fantasy your heart creates.

Then comes a phase when the war is over & peace is restored. You are now aboard a steady ship. You life may be going smoothly but you are also now well equipped to tackle problems. Because now you know what you really want. Not the excitement of the beginning. Not the turmoil in the middle. But the calmness in the end.

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